Product sampling in taxi advertising

Taxi advertising product portfolio includes taxi top advertising, different formats of the side door and window advertising, inside the taxi, head-rest advertising, flier dispensers, and special promotions. Product sampling will draw people to your activation. Product sampling in taxi advertising gives customers a taste, feel, and smell of your product.
While in the taxi car, ad displays at closest quarters, attract your eyeballs and compulsively entice you to glean the rare product information lucidly presented, product sample offers, the introduction of new product variety, and sample complementaries. Product samples not only set the customer thinking favorably but also help build customer loyalty. Hence, the purpose of product sampling is to spread brand awareness among the target audience.
Product sampling in taxi advertising is an efficient, cost-effective medium of outdoor advertising. It works smoothly both as a stand-alone medium as well as part of a larger campaign. High-quality vinyl graphic images can now be placed easily and cost-effectively. Presently, the images can be removed or changed without damaging the painting, rather than actually protecting it.
Taxi car advertisements travel alongside other vehicles, thereby gaining the wide attention and visibility of the passersby. These advertisements can be placed inside and outside of the taxis. As passengers spend considerable time in a taxi, advertisers can also place product samples, brochures, or company literature for them to have a look at various formats in taxis.
Offering potential customers a freebie, that’s known as a product sample. Such marketing ploys and tactics might simply be to get the word out about your brand, encourage the sale of new products, or test the popularity of different product availability.
Direct sampling involves face-to-face interaction with the prospective customer. Indirect sampling (for example: a free gift alongside a purchase), does not involve such personal interaction. However, it's cheaper since you don't need to pay brand ambassadors or hire space, but harder to measure and track your goals.
Taxi advertising is all about taxi car ads that act as moving billboards, spreading your message across a city. Advertising on taxis provides exposure to your brand in different areas of the city 24/7. Your clear, attractive, visible offer can entice people to act. Since the ad space is smaller and with limited product sampling, taxis are usually much more affordable and convenient, under a limited advertising budget!
The furbishing work regarding ‘Product sampling in taxi advertising’, is best undertaken by one of India’s well-known advertising companies in the car segment, Wrap2Earn & LytAds. Further, Wrap2Earn is a technology-enabled platform to advertise on OLA and Uber across India, in a cost-effective manner and gives you tools to measure its impact.